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·How Beautiful is Doha, the capital city of Qatar  ·Xidi Old Town In Yi County  ·Yixing Zishahu  ·Hulunbuir Prairie: purest land in China  ·The hometown of snow in China:Shuangfeng Forest Farm  ·Lotus style: growth in the sludge but very clean  ·La Digue, Seychelles  ·Still life appreciate of photography  ·Sansu Shrine of Meishan, Sichuang Province  ·Zurich  ·Curieuse island, Seychelles  ·Jinrong Street  ·Longmen Grottoes, one of the three most famous stone Grottoes in China  ·Nice food of China: Hunan cuisine, Guangdong Cuisine, Shanghai Cuisine  ·Beating between light and shadow of the wizard: Chinese Shadow Art  
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